A SBC foi fundada em 10 de fevereiro de 1982 e tem por objetivos congregar as pessoas interessadas pelo desenvolvimento de pesquisa sobre crustáceos; incentivar a investigação científica no campo de carcinologia; promover estudos da fauna de carcinologica nacional; representar a comunidade de carcinólogos brasileiros em âmbito nacional e internacional; promover e realizar encontros regionais e nacionais e incrementar a troca de informação sobre o andamento das pesquisas carcinológicas no Brasil.

TWAS Fellowships: 2011

TWAS Fellowships: 2011 Call for Applications
Postgraduate, postdoctoral, visiting scholar and advanced research
fellowships available to scientists from developing countries

TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, is now accepting
applications for its postgraduate, postdoctoral, visiting scholars and
advanced research fellowship programmes.
The fellowships are offered to scientists from developing countries and
are tenable at centres of excellence in various countries in the South,
including Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan and
Eligible fields include: agricultural and biological sciences, medical
and health sciences, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, space and earth
sciences, mathematics and physics.
Please see www.twas.org > Programmes > Exchange > Fellowships
(http://twas.ictp.it/prog/exchange/fells/fells-overview) for the latest
information regarding all these programmes, including eligibility
criteria, deadlines, etc, and to download the application forms and
Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.

Call for Proposals to The Edward B. and Phyllis E. Reed Endowment

The Department of Invertebrate Zoology at the National Museum of Natural History is pleased to request proposals for grants to pursue research on freshwater copepods of North America.  Funding for the grants is made available from The Edward B. and Phyllis E. Reed Endowment at the Smithsonian Institution.

Grants are for one year duration and are limited to no more than $6,000.  Funds are disbursed in US dollars.  US citizens and foreign nationals are eligible.  Proposals should include: (1) a statement of intended research of no more than 3 double-spaced pages; (2) a budget
page; (3) CV?s of all participants.  Proposals from undergraduate and graduate students also must include a letter of support from the primary faculty advisor explaining the student?s funding needs, and describing the student's academic and research accomplishments.

Proposals may address any aspect of the biology of freshwater copepods of North America, although specimen-based research on taxonomy, poorly
surveyed habitats, zoogeography, invasive species, or phylogeny are topics of particular interest.  Proposals should include, as applicable, an indication of the taxa expected to be studied, and the number of specimens to be examined.  Awards for work at the Smithsonian Institution will be made as a travel grant plus stipend; awards for all other research will be made as a reimbursable contract. Funds cannot be used to attend meetings. 

Principal investigators will deliver a final report on the results of the research within eighteen months after funds are disbursed.  Reprints (paper or electronic) of publications resulting from the research should be made
available to the Charles Branch Wilson Copepod Library, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology [MRC ? 534], Smithsonian Institution, 4210 Silver Hill Rd., Suitland, MD, 20746, USA, and to the Monoculus Library, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Marine Biodiversitaetsforschung, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Suedstrand 44, D-26382 Wilhelmshaven, GERMANY.

Proposals are due by June 1, 2011.  Send electronic proposals to ferrarif@si.edu (MS Word, WordPerfect, or PDF) or paper proposals to Dr. Frank D. Ferrari, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology [MRC ? 534], Smithsonian Institution, 4210 Silver Hill Rd., Suitland, MD, 20746, USA.  Proposals will be evaluated by a standing committee. All applicants will be notified by the end of August, 2011. 

Questions to ferrarif@si.edu
